nformation Technology Support Services
IT Service | Service Offering | Sample Projects
iMotors.com. The Norland Group was responsible for the redesign of iMotors large-scale business-to-consumer Web site. Functional services included Web development, graphic design, database administration, vendor management, network support, cyber security, data assurance, and customer support.
Some functional services provided: Providing Web-related content management, including security, scripting, troubleshooting, testing, deployment, and session management. Assisting in application and systems trouble shooting and fine-tuning. Providing recommendations for and implementing a new system architecture. Upgrading, configuring, and maintaining network and computer systems, and monitoring and upgrading all security-related patches for identified vulnerabilities. Providing the logistics for the enterprise software installation. Performing technical recruiting to bring in the required specialized technical personnel.
Cisco Systems. Norland, as a major subcontractor to Adecco SA (Adecco), provides technical support services to various Cisco departments at its headquarters. Our functional services include project management, Web content, Web design, Web authoring, multimedia, customer support, technical writing, marketing communications, and financial services.
- Multimedia. Planned and managed enterprise multimedia software deployment projects, from design to implementation. Created and executed project plans identifying multimedia elements (video, audio, graphics, slides, and text). Designed software customizations to create interactive streaming media communication.
- Web Development and Authoring. Developed an intranet to present the success, savings, and customer support the Cisco Software Center accomplishes. Provided master-level support to the Cisco publishing environment, Cisco Connection Enterprise Web Production, a Web content management system by Interwoven.
Created use cases to test the functionalities of Ektron, Interwoven, and Vignette in order to select a Web Content Management System vendor for the Cisco extranet. Composed a product requirement document for the Cisco Extranet Publishing System.
- Web Design, Content, Writing, Editing, and Animation Services. Implemented and designed, provided complete maintenance, and updated and analyzed over 100 internal and 5 external Web sites (about 4000 pages) on a daily basis. Performed FileMaker Pro database design. Produced all online graphics and pages for the Web sites using Adobe PhotoShop, Illustrator, and multiple authoring tools. Designed animation and graphic art, edited and published video presentations for Cisco's Video-on-Demand and constructed flash presentations for Cisco
Nortel Networks. Services provided by Norland's IT Team included project management, design, analysis, development, testing, and documentation of the interfaces to product key code software and templates for order of voice products (Meridian, Option 11C, and Symposium Systems) for Nortel's Order Management System. Associated tasks included providing various human resources functions, such as recruiting, screening, hiring, relocating, and payroll services.
Adecco SA. Norland provided accounting, administrative, helpdesk, database maintenance, network, operations, and software development and maintenance support to the Adecco IT Division.
Highlight of services: Providing operation, database, administrative, and network support. Performing the final financial system migration to the Oracle Financial System. Norland was the last group to support the West Coast operation. Providing support for weekly and monthly invoices and the Client Business Report System. Providing software support for the interface between legacy and application packages. Business systems included invoicing, payroll, eCommerce, the financial data warehouse, and time card automation.